Ryanair - Self Catering - B&B - Bournemouth
2008-08-02 22:44:14 UTC
Please see further down after accommodation for employment agencies.
Alex's B&B Bournemouth Homestay (£15 daily £85 weekly)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 7875 364809 - U.K: 07875 364809
Bournemouth Backpackers - Homestay - B&B
Self Catering Homestay B&B
/ / / / / £9.00 daily \ \ \ \ \ (from £9.00 daily)
Tel: +44 1202 299491 - U.K: 01202 299491
Brooklands Hotel (from £20 daily)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 716352 - U.K: 01202 716352
Bycliffe Guest House
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 552961 - U.K: 01202 552961
Cartrefle Guest House (£25 daily)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 297856 - U.K: 01202 297856
Tel: +44 1202 297856 - U.K: 01202 297856
Chelsea Hotel (£27 daily)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290111 - U.K: 01202 290111
Claremont Hotel (single from £25 per night)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290875 - U.K: 01202 290875
Clarendon Lodge (from £25 daily)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 396585 - U.K: 01202 396585
Coach House Cottage (Double/twin £65-£95)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 315067 - U.K: 01202 315067
Cransley Hotel (£35 pppn - Single sup £15 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290067 - U.K: 01202 290067
Cremona Hotel Bournemouth (from £22.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290035 - U.K: 01202 290035
Crescent Royal Hotel (£22 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 393200 - U.K: 01202 393200 or 07970 025722
Denewood Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 394493 - U.K: 01202 394493
Devonshire Guest House
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291610 - U.K: 01202 291610
Durley Grange Hotel
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 554473 - U.K: 01202 554473
Fax: +44 1202 293774 - U.K: 01202 554473
Freshfields Hotel (£25 pppn - up to 3 per room)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 394023 - U.K: 01202 394023
Gervis Court Hotel (£25 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 556871 - 01202 556871
Heathlands Hotel (£49.00 pppn - £59 with dinner)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 589900 - U.K: 01202 589900
Homestay (from £30.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 849015 - U.K: 01202 849015
Hostel Inn
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 395285 - U.K: 01202 395285
(from £25.00 p.p.p.n. low season)
Ingledene Guest House (from £20 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291914 - U.K: 01202 291914
Kantara Guest House (£18 - £32 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 557260 - U.K: 01202 395285
Kings Langley Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 557349 - U.K: 01202 557349
Kingsley Hotel (from £28.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 398683 - U.K: 01202 398683
Kiwi Hotel (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 555889 - U.K: 01202 555889
Fax: +44 1202 789567 - U.K: 01202 789567
Lea Hurst Hotel - B&B
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290136 - U.K: 01202 290136
Lloyds Hotel (from £19 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291112 - U.K: 01202 291112
Fax: +44 1202 706092 - U.K: 01202 706092
LYNDEN COURT HOTEL (from £12.50 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel : +44 -(0)1202- 553894 - U.K: 01202 553894
Marlins Hotel (Singles from £25, doubles from £50)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 299645 - U.K: 01202 299645
Mayfield - B&B
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 551839 - U.K: 01202 551839
(Special Offer B&B any 7nights £150.00 per person ensuite)
Minton Lodge Hotel (£30 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 395707 - U.K: 01202 395707
Newark Hotel (from £20.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 294989 - U.K: 01202 294989
Newbury Hotel Bournemouth (from £22.50 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 297000 - U.K: 01202 297000
Newpoint Lodge (from £23 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 425047 - U.K: 01202 425047
Norfolk Royale Hotel (telephone for prices)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 551521 - U.K: 01202 551521
Orchid Hotel (from £50 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 551600 - U.K: 01202 551600
Parkside Guesthouse
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291923 - U.K: 01202 291923
Quality Hotel Bournemouth (£42 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 316316 - U.K: 01202 316316
Rosscourt Hotel (£30 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 397537 - U.K: 01202 397537
Safari Hotel (from £30.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 290782 - U.K: 01202 290782
Shirley Hotel (from £24 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 558244 - U.K: 01202 558244
Shoreline Bed and Breakfast (from £21.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 429654 - U.K: 01202 429654
Silver How Hotel
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 551537 - U.K: 01202 551537
Fax: +44 1202 551456 - U.K: 01202 551456
Email: ***@silverhowhotel.co.uk
St. Michael's 'Friendly' Guest House (from £25.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 (0)1202 557386 - U.K: 01202 557386
Travelodge (saver rooms from £19.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 871 984 6257 - U.K: 0871 984 6257
Tudor Grange Hotel (£30 pppn - Single sup 50%)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291472 - U.K: 01202 291472
Urban Beach Hotel (Doubles from £90)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 301509 - U.K: 01202 301509
Water Garden Hotel (£30 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 556700 - U.K: 01202 556700
Wenrose Bed and Breakfast (from £25.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 716325 - U.K: 01202 716352
Westbrook (from £25.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: + 44 1202 761081 - U.K: 01202 761081
Whateley Hall Hotel (£28 pppn - £10 single sup)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 397749 - U.K: 01202 397749
Woodcroft Tower Hotel (£39 pppn - £54 with dinner)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 558202 - U.K: 01202 558202
Wrenwood Hotel (£26 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 395806 - U.K: 01202 395086
Bournemouth International Airport Limited
Dorset BH23 6SE
Tel: + 44 1202 364000 - U.K: 01202 364000
Bournemouth Airport Shuttle...
12hrs a day from 7am to 7pm
Getting to and from Bournemouth Airport
A frequent, comfortable and convenient service from Bournemouth
International Airport to Bournemouth town centre.
The service runs once every hour from 7am to 7pm seven days a week.
Adult Single Fare only: £4 / 6
Tel: +44 1202 557007 - U.K: 01202 557007
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bed+breakfast bed n breakfast bedandbreakfast accommodation dorset
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bed+breakfast bed n breakfast bedandbreakfast accommodation dorset
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bedandbreakfast homestay self catering guest house hotel bournemouth
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accommodation dorset bournemouth bournmouth bed n breakfast bed and
breakfast bedandbreakfast homestay self catering guest house hotel
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bed+breakfast bed n breakfast bedandbreakfast accommodation dorset
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bedandbreakfast homestay self catering guest house hotel bournemouth
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bed+breakfast bed n breakfast bedandbreakfast accommodation dorset
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bedandbreakfast homestay self catering guest house hotel bournemouth
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bedandbreakfast homestay self catering guest house hotel bournemouth
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breakfast bedandbreakfast homestay self catering guest house hotel
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bedandbreakfast accommodation dorset bournemouth bournmouth bed n
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guest house hotel bournemouth bb b and b bandb b+b b&b bed+breakfast
bed n breakfast bedandbreakfast accommodation dorset bournemouth
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bedandbreakfast homestay self catering guest house hotel bournemouth
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accommodation dorset bournemouth bournmouth bed n breakfast bed and
breakfast bedandbreakfast homestay self catering guest house hotel
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bedandbreakfast accommodation dorset bournemouth bournmouth bed n
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bed n breakfast bedandbreakfast accommodation dorset bournemouth
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self catering guest house hotel bournemouth bb b and b bandb b+b b&b
bed+breakfast bed n breakfast bedandbreakfast accommodation dorset
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bedandbreakfast homestay self catering guest house hotel bournemouth
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accommodation dorset bournemouth bournmouth bed n breakfast bed and
breakfast bedandbreakfast homestay self catering guest house hotel
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bedandbreakfast accommodation dorset bournemouth bournmouth bed n
breakfast bed and breakfast bedandbreakfast homestay self catering
guest house hotel bournemouth bb b and b bandb b+b b&b bed+breakfast
bed n breakfast bedandbreakfast accommodation dorset bournemouth
Alex's B&B Bournemouth Homestay (£15 daily £85 weekly)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 7875 364809 - U.K: 07875 364809
Bournemouth Backpackers - Homestay - B&B
Self Catering Homestay B&B
/ / / / / £9.00 daily \ \ \ \ \ (from £9.00 daily)
Tel: +44 1202 299491 - U.K: 01202 299491
Brooklands Hotel (from £20 daily)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 716352 - U.K: 01202 716352
Bycliffe Guest House
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 552961 - U.K: 01202 552961
Cartrefle Guest House (£25 daily)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 297856 - U.K: 01202 297856
Tel: +44 1202 297856 - U.K: 01202 297856
Chelsea Hotel (£27 daily)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290111 - U.K: 01202 290111
Claremont Hotel (single from £25 per night)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290875 - U.K: 01202 290875
Clarendon Lodge (from £25 daily)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 396585 - U.K: 01202 396585
Coach House Cottage (Double/twin £65-£95)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 315067 - U.K: 01202 315067
Cransley Hotel (£35 pppn - Single sup £15 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290067 - U.K: 01202 290067
Cremona Hotel Bournemouth (from £22.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290035 - U.K: 01202 290035
Crescent Royal Hotel (£22 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 393200 - U.K: 01202 393200 or 07970 025722
Denewood Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 394493 - U.K: 01202 394493
Devonshire Guest House
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291610 - U.K: 01202 291610
Durley Grange Hotel
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 554473 - U.K: 01202 554473
Fax: +44 1202 293774 - U.K: 01202 554473
Freshfields Hotel (£25 pppn - up to 3 per room)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 394023 - U.K: 01202 394023
Gervis Court Hotel (£25 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 556871 - 01202 556871
Heathlands Hotel (£49.00 pppn - £59 with dinner)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 589900 - U.K: 01202 589900
Homestay (from £30.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 849015 - U.K: 01202 849015
Hostel Inn
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 395285 - U.K: 01202 395285
(from £25.00 p.p.p.n. low season)
Ingledene Guest House (from £20 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291914 - U.K: 01202 291914
Kantara Guest House (£18 - £32 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 557260 - U.K: 01202 395285
Kings Langley Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 557349 - U.K: 01202 557349
Kingsley Hotel (from £28.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 398683 - U.K: 01202 398683
Kiwi Hotel (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 555889 - U.K: 01202 555889
Fax: +44 1202 789567 - U.K: 01202 789567
Lea Hurst Hotel - B&B
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290136 - U.K: 01202 290136
Lloyds Hotel (from £19 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291112 - U.K: 01202 291112
Fax: +44 1202 706092 - U.K: 01202 706092
LYNDEN COURT HOTEL (from £12.50 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel : +44 -(0)1202- 553894 - U.K: 01202 553894
Marlins Hotel (Singles from £25, doubles from £50)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 299645 - U.K: 01202 299645
Mayfield - B&B
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 551839 - U.K: 01202 551839
(Special Offer B&B any 7nights £150.00 per person ensuite)
Minton Lodge Hotel (£30 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 395707 - U.K: 01202 395707
Newark Hotel (from £20.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 294989 - U.K: 01202 294989
Newbury Hotel Bournemouth (from £22.50 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 297000 - U.K: 01202 297000
Newpoint Lodge (from £23 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 425047 - U.K: 01202 425047
Norfolk Royale Hotel (telephone for prices)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 551521 - U.K: 01202 551521
Orchid Hotel (from £50 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 551600 - U.K: 01202 551600
Parkside Guesthouse
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291923 - U.K: 01202 291923
Quality Hotel Bournemouth (£42 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 316316 - U.K: 01202 316316
Rosscourt Hotel (£30 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 397537 - U.K: 01202 397537
Safari Hotel (from £30.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 290782 - U.K: 01202 290782
Shirley Hotel (from £24 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 558244 - U.K: 01202 558244
Shoreline Bed and Breakfast (from £21.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 429654 - U.K: 01202 429654
Silver How Hotel
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 551537 - U.K: 01202 551537
Fax: +44 1202 551456 - U.K: 01202 551456
Email: ***@silverhowhotel.co.uk
St. Michael's 'Friendly' Guest House (from £25.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 (0)1202 557386 - U.K: 01202 557386
Travelodge (saver rooms from £19.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 871 984 6257 - U.K: 0871 984 6257
Tudor Grange Hotel (£30 pppn - Single sup 50%)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291472 - U.K: 01202 291472
Urban Beach Hotel (Doubles from £90)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 301509 - U.K: 01202 301509
Water Garden Hotel (£30 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 556700 - U.K: 01202 556700
Wenrose Bed and Breakfast (from £25.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 716325 - U.K: 01202 716352
Westbrook (from £25.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: + 44 1202 761081 - U.K: 01202 761081
Whateley Hall Hotel (£28 pppn - £10 single sup)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 397749 - U.K: 01202 397749
Woodcroft Tower Hotel (£39 pppn - £54 with dinner)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 558202 - U.K: 01202 558202
Wrenwood Hotel (£26 pppn)
Self Catering Homestay B&B
Tel: +44 1202 395806 - U.K: 01202 395086
Bournemouth International Airport Limited
Dorset BH23 6SE
Tel: + 44 1202 364000 - U.K: 01202 364000
Bournemouth Airport Shuttle...
12hrs a day from 7am to 7pm
Getting to and from Bournemouth Airport
A frequent, comfortable and convenient service from Bournemouth
International Airport to Bournemouth town centre.
The service runs once every hour from 7am to 7pm seven days a week.
Adult Single Fare only: £4 / 6
Tel: +44 1202 557007 - U.K: 01202 557007
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